Running Away. For Good.
Find 52 is OneWorld Schoolhouse Foundation’s campaign to increase awareness of and raise funds for the Rainforest of Reading Festival. The festival brings Canadian authors and illustrators to St. Lucia where they meet over 11,000 students. Find52 relays in St. Lucia have raised $72,273.
COVID has made it necessary to suspend our annual relay but our goal is to re-group and restore Find 52 event when it is safe and practical!
Perhaps your school wants to Pass the Baton for literacy development. Or you’re with a business or organization wanting to Build Community. You might even be ready to finally Run Away For Good with your fellow running club members. Maybe, you’re simply a lover of books looking for a new companion during a Blind Date with a Book. The good news is you, too, can be part of a really great story by joining one of our many Find 52 campaigns — more details here.
Of course, individual donations are always welcomed.
The Road to Reading National Relay: 2018
Sponsored by OneWorld Schoolhouse Foundation
In July of 2018 Sonya White, Richard Clewes, Jennifer MacLeod, Albert Klein, Robin Todd and Luc Renaud jumped into the event and were joined by Saint Lucian Olympians. Verneta Lesforis (400 M, Sydney 2000) co-ordinated school teams across the island over the five day event. And Zepherinus Joseph (Marathon, Athens 2004) showed all of how to get the job done!
Their fundraising campaigns made it possible for OneWorld Schoolhouse to purchase class sets of books by Canadian authors and illustrators for over 8,000 students in Saint Lucia and brought book creators from Canada to the 5th Anniversary of the Rainforest of Reading Festival.
Special thanks
A generous gift from Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association arrived just before we began the National Relay and put a bounce in all our steps! Thank you Yvonne Runstedler and Kelli Somers; you went above and beyond to help St. Lucia teachers and their students.
Nobody runs fundraising events like Centennial CVI and EEC Saint-René-Goupil in Guelph. We are so grateful to the staff and students of these schools for their continued efforts. Your leadership is inspirational!
This Next Mile Is For You
Each day of the run we posted special messages of thank to our donors and gave Canadians a sense of what books have come to mean to kids in Saint Lucia.
We hope you’ll support literacy in this part of the developing world through CanadaHelps. Or get your Ontario school signed up today for Find 52: Pass the Baton this year!
The event may be over for this year, but the road goes ever on!
Sonya & Richard
We call our school campaign: “Find 52: Pass the Baton” and it takes place between March Break and the end of the school year. Here’s all the info you need to get your school up and running!!
Do you like to run? We’re always looking for Rabbits and Turtles for Find 52: The Road to Reading in 2020. From pacing kids eager to sprint ahead of lead runners, to encouraging the back of the pack, the more runners on The Road to Reading the better. Daily distances in 2020 will be: half-marathon. You can spearhead your own ‘Friends of Find52’ Campaign to raise awareness and funds for literacy programs. Here’s a previous trip brochure to tempt you!
Smiles and waves from turtles at the back
Le chemin de la lecture du relais national: 2017
Commanditaire principal : OneWorld Schoolhouse Foundation
Les écoles et les clubs de course de l’Ontario prennent des mesures importantes pour améliorer l’alphabétisation dans les pays en développement.
L’année dernière, plus de 1 000 élèves de Sainte-Lucie ont organisé un circuit de relais de leur nation insulaire. Entre-temps, en Ontario, École élémentaire catholique René-Goupil et Centennial CVI de Guelph, l’école secondaire Haliburton Highlands et plusieurs écoles élémentaires se sont jointes à la course en Ontario en organisant des événements qui leur étaient propres. Ils ont réussi à amasser plus de 10 000 $. Combinée aux dons de particuliers et de commanditaires, notre campagne a permis de recueillir une somme remarquable de 52 000 $.